My Top 10 Posts of 2023

It’s always instructive for me to look back and see which of my posts received the most traffic over the past 12 months. And so, in an effort to discover what content most resonates with my readers, I present to you my top 10 posts of 2023.
My Top 10 Posts of 2023
When I look just at the things I published last year, the following posts were the most popular:
1. 10 Things Your Teenager Hates
Lots of changes take place during the teen years! If we want to navigate them smoothly and maintain a good relationship with our growing children, then we’ll need to avoid doing the 10 things our teenagers hate.

2. A Prayer for the Police
Download a copy of our free printable prayer guide and use it to intercede for specific officers you know or to pray for the police in general.

3. A Prayer for Mothers
I’ve been getting a lot of requests for a Prayer Guide for Mothers (especially after publishing a Prayer for Fathers last year). And since as a mother myself, I appreciate all the prayers I can get! If you feel the same way, you can enlist your family to intercede for you with the following scripture-based requests.

4. A Prayer for My Daughter
Here are some of the prayers I pray most earnestly and consistently for all my girls. I’m sharing it here, in case you want to use it as a guide for praying for your daughter, as well.

5. Dealing with Difficult In-Laws
Are you dealing with difficult in-laws? Do they seem overly demanding or impossible to please? Have you grown weary of even trying to satisfy them? Although I now enjoy a wonderful relationship with my husband’s parents, that has not always been the case. We butted heads in pretty significant ways during our early years of marriage. Here are the seven strategic steps I took to turn things around.

6. Praying for My Enemies
When it comes to dealing with people who hate me or would seek to do me harm, Jesus has given me very specific (and radically counterintuitive) instructions. Rather than seeking revenge, Christ asks me to invest my time and energy in loving, blessing, and praying for my my enemies. And guess what? He asks the same of you.

7. To the Tired Mom with the Neglected Husband
A few nights ago, I stumbled upon a genre of writing I never before knew existed: Open letters written by tired moms to their neglected husbands. And it wasn’t just one. Evidently, a lot of women ignore their spouses for months or even years on end, then post public explanations rationalizing their behavior. Although I hear where they’re coming from, this is my impassioned response.

8. Bible Memory Tricks & Tips
One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to make Bible memory more of a priority. Memorizing scripture doesn’t come quite as easily these days as it did when I was a kid, but the following Bible memory tips and tricks have helped speed my progress significantly.

9. 31-Day Prayer Challenge for Parents
A reader recently ran across my list of 31-Day Prayer Challenge for Wives and asked if I had a similar list of scriptures to pray over one’s children. Short answer: I didn’t at the time, but I do now! Follow this link to download my brand new, free printable 31-Day Prayer Challenge for Parents.

10. On Becoming Free Indeed
I recently finished reading Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Duggar Vuolo. In this post I share what I consider the most important take-aways, along with some crucial balancing truths. A thorough understanding of such distinctions is vital to experiencing true freedom in Christ while avoiding extremes in either direction.

If you examine that list closely, you may notice the same trends I do:
- 50% of the top 10 posts contain a free printable prayer guide
- 40% of the top 10 posts are related to parenting
- 20% deal with marriage issues and
- 20% are about books I’ve read
If you consider my most popular posts of all time, the list stacks up a little differently, but the underlying themes remain the same:
My Top 10 Posts Overall:
- 5 Must-Read Books for Women Who Think
- 25 Ways to Communicate Respect
- Pray for Your Husband from Head to Toe
- Can a Married Woman Have Close Male Friends?
- Praying Boldly for Myself
- Praying for Your Children from Head to Toe
- Parents Need Prayer Too
- What If My Husband Won’t Plan Date Nights
- 7 Reasons to Prioritize Sex in Marriage
- A Sure Fire Way to Wipe Out Whining
These all-time most popular posts touch on all the same topics as the Top 10 list from 2023:
- 50% are related to marriage
- 40% contain a free printable prayer guide
- 30% deal with the topic of parenting and
- 10% are about books I’ve read
Which means those are the topics I’ll continue to address on this blog. Look for more prayer guides, more posts (and podcasts) on the topics of marriage and motherhood, and more book reviews in 2024.
Anything else you’d like to see me cover? Drop a line in the comment section below and tell me about it! Then subscribe to my weekly email updates to make sure you don’t miss a thing going forward.
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How about prayer guides for firefighters, EMS, nurses, or soldiers? Or did I miss those and you already have them? Appreciate your work!
I don’t have those yet, but will get to work on creating them. ❤️