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  1. Jennifer, I always look forward to your posts. They are so timely and applicable. My husband and I are “Poppy” and “Grammy” to three adorable grandsons (ages 4, 3, and 7 months) who live in North Carolina with our son and daughter in law (he is an officer in the USMC). We live in Minnesota, and, being a military family, Tyler and his family are not likely to return to Minnesota, ever. It is difficult to be so far from our children and grandchildren. Being involved grandparents on a daily basis is something we know nothing of. But, we can pray specifically for them! Thank you for this. I have printed it and will put it in my Bible where I will see it every day as a wonderful reminder. You are a blessing!

    1. You’re welcome, Kathi. I know it’s hard to grandparent from afar. Although we are blessed to have most of ours close by, some of my grandchildren live as far away as Germany. (We have a son in the military, too.) I am 100% convinced that prayer is the most important thing I can do for any of them, but it is nice to be involved in other ways, as well. Maybe it’s time for a post on how to pour into the lives of grandkids you don’t get to see very often. I’m open to new ideas. Have you found any good ways you’re willing to share?

  2. What a wonderful list of ways to pray for our precious grandchildren! Being a Nana has been such a blessing. Thank you for the free printable.

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