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  1. Thank you Jennifer, this was really helpful. My husband and I love to read the movie reviews on “Plugged In” , which is a ministry of Focus on the Family. For anyone who is unfamiliar with it, they review every movie that comes out, and they review every facet of a movie from a Christian world view. You can get the link by going to Focus on the Family’s web-site. One other thing my husband and I really dislike in all these Marvel Movies has to do with the role of women, not as heroines to be rescued, but as fighters beating up some men and rescuing others. As you said, movies always push some kind of cultural agenda, whether it’s subtle or in your face. Blessings, Michelle~ Fayetteville, NC

  2. Hello Jennifer, thanks for this review. My husband and I share many of your insights into what our children are being exposed to in the guise of supposedly ‘kid friendly’ movies. Another case in point is the animated film ‘Hotel Transylvania’ which we took our young girls to last month, unfortunately without having done our research beforehand. Many blessings to you and yours as you live a God-honouring life- Shikainah, London, UK

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