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  1. I left another comment because when I looked I didn’t see my first one. Sometimes I can’t tell if I or the computer is ditzy! Have a great day.

    1. The problem isn’t with you OR your computer, most likely. Comments are automatically held for approval, which I normally give, but not before I bleep out the expletives from people who disagree with me. I enjoy a good debate, but don’t want to offend my other readers unnecessarily by publishing the foul language some of my more controversial posts sometimes elicit.

      Of course, that isn’t a problem with most reader comments, and certainly not with yours. So I apologize for the delay! 🙂

  2. I watch movies or listen to books on cd while I iron! I listen to show tunes while I dance around dusting and sweeping. Lots of fun ways to multi-task.

    1. I agree, Rozy. The kids and I always get our work done in half the time when we put on big band music and let that set our cleaning pace! My favorite housecleaning lyrics: “Take out the paper and the trash…” (Yakity-Yak)

  3. Hi,
    I agree with most except when soaking in the tub. That’s me time. I spent my whole life multi tasking and it slows the brain down and basically one can only do 1 thing at a time.

    God is ever present with us even in our busy minds He is ever present in the multitude of our thoughts. God be with and your family always.

    Sister in Christ

    1. I don’t always do sudoku while soaking, Dianne. Sometimes I nap while I’m in the tub, instead! 🙂

      And, yes, I’m grateful that God is ever present in our lives and thoughts, and that He is still fully capable of establishing order in the midst of chaos.

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