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  1. I am deeply encouraged by your blog. You brought me to God. Our library lets us print 5 pages a day and I’ve printed out your posts sometimes to reread and let it soak in. I cannot seem to focus (nor find the time to be on…) on the computer so printed books/papers are easier to grasp. I’ve pondered lately going to the library once a week with both of our cards and printing what I can and keeping them in a binder to read like a book shortly here. Because while I discovered God, I can’t just pick up the Bible and read away. It’s confusing. I rely on your blog to break things down in tiny easily digestible bits for me to focus on. And I thank you from the extreme bottom of my heart for that!!!♥️ Keep up the amazing posts and bless you and your wonderful family!

    1. Your sweet words are very flattering, Amy. Thank you for the encouragement. I definitely try to drench my writing in scripture, but there is no replacement for the real thing. I’d encourage you to click through the links on any of the verses I cite and read the Word for yourself in several different translations. You’ll find related verses in the righthand sidebar at Bible Hub, and these will help you “dig” a little deeper into the meat and meaning of the Bible. It’s a great tool and a wonderful time saver when it comes to cross references!

      On the other hand, if you prefer reading hard copies to viewing on line (I do!), look up the verses cited in my printables and read those for yourself, a little at a time. Pray that God will increase your understanding, and before you know it, you’ll be doing in-depth Bible studies and drawing a lot of strength and encouragement straight from God’s Word!

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