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  1. I am amazed at the beautiful soul God has given you. Thank you for sharing your love in Christ. I pray more come to your site and are
    refreshed and renewed. God bless you fellow child of God.

  2. I have commented before and continually am blown away at your wonderful
    printables that you share. . . I have used so many for SS class but also am
    able to share with my grandchildren for their children. . . Just want to say
    May the Lord Bless your precious heart and continue to direct all that your
    talents do in the lives of so many people. . . I love checking in on you always
    to see what you are about. . .

  3. Pingback: {Perspective} |
  4. This is a struggle in every season of life. I’m a “glass half person” so seeing this struggle in a positive light is exactly what I needed today. I’ll be sharing this!!

  5. This is a beautiful post, Jennifer. I try to remember the flip thinking your husband talked about. When I’m busy, give thanks for the opportunities God’s giving. When things are slower, give thanks for rest. I appreciate your suggestion to appreciate our mates all we can NOW. My dad just lost his wife of 30 years, earlier than he would have expected. This has my husband and I thinking how we need to appreciate each other. I just wrote a post on marriage, and maybe want to do more writing on it. Made me think of you, so I thought I’d stop by!

    1. I’m so glad you did, Betsy. I’m going to go read you marriage post right now. And I definitely think you should write more on the topic. First, you have a lot of wisdom to offer. And second, modern day marriages need all the help they can get! Is divorce as rampant in Turkey as it is in the States?

  6. This is very helpful and profound. Thank you so much for the encouragement. You said it in such a great way that makes sense. I am going to print this out and read it again and again.

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