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  1. Jennifer,
    I so appreciate your openness and the straight, yet oh so loving wisdom in your book. (Love your husband love yourself). This excerpt was the perfect reminder for me – I find myself at a crossroads of late, am I a woman tearing down her own marriage (and therefore) family, from within? Forgiveness, agenda-less forgiveness with humility is a must if healing can occur. Thank you again, for your timely post. Mrs. Elliot has greatly impacted my life over the years and I am so thankful we can glean more wisdom from her by your sharing that sweetest and wisest of letters. What a gem.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing, your sincerity and transparency means so much to me. Especially during the tough times, it is so important that we support and encourage one another!

  3. Your idea of love and especially when it comes to your husband is inspirational 🙂 This is what every couple should learn if they wish eternal love! Perfection is a myth, rather a state of utopia and flaws are part of human character. It is a wonderful letter, I am glad I came across this things. Thanks for sharing this Jennifer 🙂

  4. What a privilege to have a hand-written letter from Elizabeth Elliot! Thanks for sharing your story and her letter. It is so true that knowing your husband is a sinner is quite different from coming face to face with a specific offense that drives you crazy. We all need grace. Thanks.

  5. Dear jennifer,
    Thank you for sharing your heart on your blog. You are a blessing to me, and im learning a lot as i read. I really would love to have a copy of your book “Love your husband love yourself” im praying i’ll see one here in the Philippines. God bless you always!

    1. Don’t know if it’s available in the Philippines yet, Lizley. Message me your address, and I will try to drop a copy of it in the mail for you. I’m headed to the post office this afternoon.

  6. Dear Jennifer,

    After reading, Love Your Husband/ Love Yourself, and now reading , 25 Ways to Communicate Respect to Your Husband, I thought of writing you this morning. I had a question concerning my present situation. I am feeling led to memorize 1Peter , because of the strong verses found in 1Peter 3:1-8 that I must trust and obey.

    As I was about to use my Strong’s app for bible study , I saw your email and decided to read first.

    Interestingly, your post greatly relates to my situation. Mine is different, but the same counsel of forgiveness is what I needed to hear. I realize God allowed me your counsel without me even needing to write.

    I continue to be blessed by your writings and faithfulness to Christ, your husband, and family. Thank you .

  7. Thank you so much for this post Jennifer. Im at a stage in my life where I keep asking God to show me how to forgive. Not just my husband but lately my mother. May God continue to use you to help others like me. Stay blessed!

  8. Jennifer these words will be a blessing and encouragement to many and a reminder that we have all fallen short but we have a great Savior. I appreciate the time you took to post this and I pray it will minister to many marriages. I am thankful to be able to share it with my readers and my ladies at church too! {{Hugs}} to you dear friend and much thanks.

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