Let Them Know
This month, we’ll be celebrating the greatest love story ever told. I know Good Friday is still a week away, but I finished creating the following video a little early and couldn’t wait to share it with you.
For almost eighty years, Disney has been captivating our imaginations with beautifully rendered fairy stories. But as J.R.R. Tolkien explained to C.S. Lewis, the Gospel provides us with an authentic, eye-witness account of a fairy tale that’s true.
The world may not need yet another cover of Frozen’s award-winning “Let it Go,” but it desperately needs the message embedded in this version. Let its truth sink into the depths of your heart and resonate within: Christ Jesus is risen. He is risen indeed!
Let Them Know
I was lost and alone in the darkness of night, (Luke 19:10)
I was blind, but now I see, (John 9:25)
Imprisoned in isolation (Galatians 3:23)
Till my Savior set me free. (Luke 4:18)
Now His love fills me like a swirling sea inside, (John 7:38)
Couldn’t keep it in, even if I tried. (Acts 4:20)
I’ve been forgiven, been set free — (Acts 13:38-39)
I’m not the same girl that I used to be. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
It’s real, I feel His blessings flow (Psalm 21:6)
And my faith grow. (2 Thessalonians 1:3)
Let them know, let them know — (Psalm 109:27)
Can’t hide the fact anymore. (Luke 11:33)
Let them know, let them know (Mark 16:15)
Jesus’ love has opened the door. (Luke 11:9)
His command (Mark 4:39)
Wind and waves obey. (Luke 8:25)
Let the storm rage on — (Psalm 50:3)
It won’t stop His love for me anyway. (Romans 8:38-39)
It’s funny how God’s greatness (Psalm 145:3)
Makes everything seem small, (Psalm 8:3-4)
And the fears that once controlled me (2 Timothy 1:7)
Can’t get to me at all. (Luke 1:74)
It’s time to see what God can do, (1 Samuel 12:16)
In every test He’ll see me through. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
My debt’s been paid, no guilt for me — (Romans 8:1)
I’m free! (Romans 8:2)
Let them know, let them know (Psalm 83:18)
Christ alone has the power to save. (Acts 4:12)
Let them know, Let them know (1 John 4:14)
He has triumphed over the grave. (1 Corinthians 15:55)
Here I stand (Ephesians 6:13)
In Christ I’ll stay. (John 15:4)
Let the storm rage on. (Matthew 7:25)
The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
Left Heaven’s throne room up on high, (2 Corinthians 8:9)
He took on flesh (John 1:14, Philippians 2:6-8)
And came to earth poor sinners for to die. (Mark 10:45)
Though in a tomb they laid Him (Acts 13:29)
Once He’d breathed his last, (Mark 15:37)
By God’s amazing grace, (1 Timothy 1:14-15)
It couldn’t hold Him fast! (Acts 2:24)
Let them know, let them know (Acts 2:32)
Christ arose like the break of dawn. (Luke 24:6)
Let them know, let them know (Romans 10:14)
Satan’s claim on me is gone. (Romans 6:14)
Redeemed I’ll stand (Psalm 107:2)
On the Judgement Day. (Hebrews 9:27, 1 John 4:17)
Let the storm rage on — (Proverbs 10:25)
It won’t stop His love for me anyway. (Jeremiah 31:3)
May we sing your song Let Then Know in our church? We do not have video equipment to play the youtube but I know our congregation would enjoy it.
Absolutely, Audrey. I’d be honored! I would only ask that, if you publish my lyrics anywhere, please credit me in the byline and include a link to this post. Thanks!
Simply amazing! You also have such a beautiful voice.. I will listen to this over and over again!
This is really good! Obviously, lots of prayer and thought went into it. Thanks for seeking to give the world the Truth.
Thank you so much for your blog. Yours is one of the very few I make time to read. I greatly appreciate your stand for The Lord. -Angela (missionary to Russia)
Wow. The Lord had me find this pinned on my homepage by someone I follow on Pinterest. First, I’m so excited to start digging through your blog. I am also super excited about the words you wrote a cover to this song. THIS is the cover the world needs most of all. I love the lyrics and the fact that each line has an address of a verse (or verses) from the Word to support it. What a gift from the Lord. Thank you so much for listening to Him.
I would love to be able to hear this song that you’ve done. Unfortunately, I receive a message that tells me that this video is blocked in my country due to copyright laws. I’m in the U.S. Any possible way you could load this on a different platform for us to hear?
Looking forward to reading through your blog when more free time comes.
Thank you for all your kind words, Kristen. YouTube told me my video would be blocked in some countries, but I didn’t realize that included parts of the US! Try watching it here: “Let Them Know“