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  1. May we sing your song Let Then Know in our church? We do not have video equipment to play the youtube but I know our congregation would enjoy it.

  2. Wow. The Lord had me find this pinned on my homepage by someone I follow on Pinterest. First, I’m so excited to start digging through your blog. I am also super excited about the words you wrote a cover to this song. THIS is the cover the world needs most of all. I love the lyrics and the fact that each line has an address of a verse (or verses) from the Word to support it. What a gift from the Lord. Thank you so much for listening to Him. 🙂

    I would love to be able to hear this song that you’ve done. Unfortunately, I receive a message that tells me that this video is blocked in my country due to copyright laws. I’m in the U.S. Any possible way you could load this on a different platform for us to hear?

    Looking forward to reading through your blog when more free time comes.


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