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  1. Hello Jennifer,

    I found myself shedding tears whiles going through this piece. I am a victim to most of what you’ve spoken of especially speaking with a loud tone. Doing everything to help myself out of it including prayers and telling my husband how to help me out when i find myself in such mood. All seems futile.
    I thank God for the opportunity to come across this article. I will read it over and over again until it becomes part of me.

    God bless you.

  2. That was well said. Thank you for posting it.

    “Many times, our husbands do things in a different way than we would do them, but that doesn’t mean their way is wrong”

    This is so true. I’m married to an awesome guy and I’ve learned that he doesn’t always perceive the world, the challenges, quite the same as I do, but that doesn’t make him wrong. Often his solution, his way of wanting to do things, turns out to be just right.

  3. Currently I’m helping my mother care for my dad who has many health issues but mainly Alzheimer’s. It is hard to explain to him why he can’t drive or have other things that can now be harmful to him. He feels we are trying to do harm and control him even though he is disabled and we love him and are doing our part in keeping him safe. I understand your article was written for ones spouse but honestly I can really use a lot of these wonderful suggestions on how to talk sweetly to my dad while showing him the deepest respect. It’s so hard for any elderly person who was once a strong leader to have to surrender to such a cruel illness. I thank you and believe The Lord lead me to this tonight. I sure appreciate it. Sincerely, Missy

    1. I’m glad you found it helpful, Missy. Alzheimer’s is so heart rending for everybody involved. Your dad may not recognize or appreciate the love and respect you are attempting to show him, but God is witness to it all, and I know He is pleased by your desire to honor your father, even in the midst of a very difficult diagnosis.

  4. You have some great points here, Jennifer. I love what you say about how showing respect doesn’t mean keeping your feelings to yourself. HOW we communicate is so important. Also, going with your husband on many of his decisions so that when you DO disagree with him, he doesn’t get exasperated because it’s the 20th time. Great advice.

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