Breathe Some LIFE Back into Your Marriage
Does your marriage feel like it needs resuscitating? Maybe it’s time to breathe some LIFE back into your relationship:
L = Laugh. Your husband still wants to have fun with you. Take time to do things together. Enjoy one another. Smile. Laugh.
I = Intercede. Couples who pray together stay together. The rate of divorce drops to less than 1% among husbands and wives who make joint prayer a routine part of their lives.
F = Forgive. Let go of any bitterness and resentment for past offenses and start afresh with a clean slate. Focus on your spouse’s good qualities and express gratitude for them.
E = Embrace. Don’t underestimate the importance of physical affection. “Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.” Show by your actions that you love your spouse and still find him attractive.
Simple, isn’t it? Give your spouse a heaping helping of these four elements, and start enjoying a healthier, more robust relationship today!