EP 66: Marriage to a Difficult Man
Are you married to a modern day version of Jekyll & Hyde? Prayer, patience, & perseverance makes marriage to a difficult man more manageable.
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Are you married to a modern day version of Jekyll & Hyde? Prayer, patience, & perseverance makes marriage to a difficult man more manageable.
How should husbands and wives navigate individual friendships with the opposite sex? That’s our podcast topic this week, prompted by an email I got from a reader wanting to know,…
Even in the best of marriages, couples will have differences of opinions. But how can we keep occasional disagreements from resulting in harsh tones, angry words, and hurt feelings? How…
Our fourth-born got married this month, just four days before he graduated from medical school, and is currently on his honeymoon. Before the wedding, he and his bride went through…
Below is a follow-up question I received in reference to the Date Night post I published a few months back. This writer raises a good point! Here’s the whole scoop,…
I received the following sweet message last month from a reader who raised several good questions, including whether it’s wrong for singles to think about sex. Does keeping your thoughts…