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  1. Hi Jennifer,
    loved this post. It reminded me of a moment I had this weekend as we took down our Christmas decorations (long story…nevermind!) and put back the family photos that had been stored to make room for the snowmen. As I dusted these old family frames, I took some moments to reflect on the memories theses chubby cheeked cherubs that are now full grown adults stirred up. For a moment I longed for those days when they would crawl up into my lap, but then I thought how proud of them I am now.

    It reminded me of the OT stories I am currently reading through and how God tells the Israelites over and over and over…’tell these things to your children that I may be glorified for generations to come’. ANd here you are echoeing those same thoughts. What a joy it is to be given children for God to use to His glory . I may not be able to have more personally, but I’m looking forward to coming along side those grand children!

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